samedi 10 août 2013

Eastern german countryside Ep 2

We leave Waren's camping... very late in the morning or even in the afternoon. Here again, the reason is we spend a lot of time updating the blog, and this for your pleasure, you lucky guys !

The sun is shining, it's really hot now, and just as we came to realize it's the same since the Lofoten, the sky is turning to some dark and threatening colors... Quick, it's time to remember where the hell we packed this raingear and run for shelter in the woods.

And there we wait until the end of this refreshing interval.

We hide our tent in a cead-end clearing close to the bike way : it's very calm until the town's party begins, with musik and fireworks at night...

The following day is pretty much the same, once again. Nice trail (we mean it, trail not road !) in the woods, meeting again the same cyclists and having to seldom guess where to go.
The region is quite flat and full of lakes and canals, reminding us a well known canal !

This afternoon, we avoid the expected storm and land in a neglected clearing.

Speaking about average mileage, it's going down as we mustn't get in Berlin too early, so we take it easy, with 2 naps a days, taking time to admire the clouds from a bench. Vacations !

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