Weather forecast bulletin :
Sun : maybe...
Temperature : a very warm 10°C, maximum.
Vind : 9m/s, gale !
Rain : of course !
True speaking, the rainy weather doesn't allow many other activities...
For starting it's ok, the night rain has left a scattered sky and we just have to fight against the wind.
All upper mountains create some fast moving clouds with the fresh sea air pushed upward along the slopes. Nothing to worry for now, but it may change later...
The chaotic moutains combined with the sea create an always captivating landscape.
We have difficulties keeping the bike on the road sometimes, the wind is really challenging us on this small road !
But the further we go, we darker the sky is getting...
We go through our first (and probably only) submarine tunnel, going downhill was impressive (a bit more than one mile long) !
A fierce gale wind awaits us outside the tunnel. Soon, a cold and hard rain is pattering over our thin rain clothes.
What a storm ! Gusts of wind try to blow us away from the road. Already affected by the wind all day long, it's the final blow to our moral as feets and hands get progressively wet and cold.
Strange fjord with its U shape and always headwind on both ways...
We arrive at Ramberg's camping as planned. Gusts of wind an rain combined burst down the mountain and hit everything. On the camping, a cheap tent is already torned but stronger expedition-like ones withstand. Our tunnel tent bends and flaps but resists. We take refuge in the camping-car, hope our Hilleberg tent will be up to it's reputation.
The storm is calming and eventually goes away in the evening while we enjoy diner with the family.
In fact, since we crossed the norwegian border, we had rain every afternoon or evening...
We long for some nice weather !
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